
How an internet works?

 History of internet.

The first Internet was landed on earth in 1983 at the month of January 1st.

Scientist of internet.

Tim berners-Lee.

The first activity has been done by internet is sending the first message "node to node" from one computer to other computer.The Stanford computer only received the note first two letters.This activity done in the year of 1969 on October 29 done by the ARPNET.The message LOGIN  Was short and simple, but it crashed the fledgling ARPA network anyway: The Stanford computer only received the note’s first two letters.The technology continued to grow in the 1970s after scientists Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf developed Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol, or TCP/IP, a communications model that set standards for how data could be transmitted between multiple networks.ARPANET adopted TCP/IP on January 1 at 1983 and Tim Berners-Lee invented the world wide web (WWW).These tags we generally see in your websites these world wide web is accessing the data in online of websites and scientists developed the concept of “packet switching,” a method for effectively transmitting electronic data that would later become one of the major building blocks of the internet.

Working principle of internet.

In simple words the data has been send over the internet to translated into pulses in the form of "bits" the interpreted by recieving computer.It works by using a packet routing network that follows Internet Protocol (IP) and Transport Control Protocol (TCP).

Abbreviation of internet.

Interconnected network.

Types of internet.


Extranet:It is a private network and It is used for only selected users.It's connect to third party like customers,vendors,etc..., to secure and controlled way.The users typically have a login mechanism such as username and password to access the network.

Internet:an electronic communications network that connects computer networks is defined as a global network of linked computers, servers, phones, and smart appliances that communicate with each other using the transmission control protocol (TCP).

Intranet:This is a private network and it is used to secure share company information and computing resources among employees.This is can accessable members and staff  organisation only.

This is also used to secure the data of the platform.Firewall protect and gives security to the intranet.Internet cannot access the intranet network.

Computer networks connect nodes like computers routers and switches by using cables,fibres optics or wireless signals like WI-FI.

About IP address.

IP address is the unique identification number assigned to every devices.

IP means internet protocol It is divided into 3parts each part has 3 Numerical.

In these they named as A class-123

B class-456

C class-678

D class-890

This is an example numbers.

IP address contains two parts:

1.Network identifier identifier 

The network ID is a portion of an IP address that is used to designate a specific network or host.if an IP address is 143.456. 1.39, then the network ID is 143.456.they contain location information and make devices accessible for communication. 

Host ID: The host ID is another portion of an IP address used to identify a specific IP/TCP network.The host identifier refers to the remaining numbers available after you subnet the IP address.

Algorithm of internet.

In social media, algorithms are rules, signals and data that govern the platform's operation

There are 4 types of algorithm.

1.Searching Algorithm

2.Sorting Algorithm

3.Hashing Algorithm

4.Randomized Algorithm

1.Search algorithm is to identify the specific information stored in a data structure.Search algorithms can be classified based on their mechanism of searching into three types of algorithms: for linear, binary, and hashing.

2.Sorting algorithm is used to rearrange a given array or list of elements according to a comparison operator on the elements.

3.Hashing algorithm is used to secure the document when it's complete and can be used to authenticate the data.In these they uses 4 algorithms they are MD5,SHA-1,SHA-2,NTLM,LANMAN.

4.Randomized algorithm is an algorithm that at each new run receives, in addition to its input i, a new stream/string r of random bits which are then used to specify outcomes of the subsequent random choices (or coin tossing) during the execution of the algorithm.

How an internet transfer via cable?

Generally we know the data will transfer through cables.In these there are some types.There are sender and reciever has been present in the cable.In the middle of these.Their will be an mediator to speed up the data transfer.

Lan:local area network It's works in block of building within an radius 1km and a data transfer very speed when compared to others.

Wan:wild area network data transfer within the radius of 5km.

Man: metropolitan area network.It's works combination of Lan and wan.

Topology:This is an computer network communication in these the arrangement of element of a communication network.

Types of topology.

1.Linear topology
2.Bus topology 
3.Hybrid topology 
4.Ring topology 
5.Mesh topology 
6.Star topology

The first Internet browser is worldwide web and it was made in 1990.These is only way to see the web.
The first browser to display images and text is called Mosaic.


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