

How to earn money from online?

 Generally we know earn from online most of people think YouTube only earning platform on social media but not there are many source to earn money from online.In these blog I will explain in detail how to earn money from online without investment and with investment apps and websites.

Different platforms to earn money without investment.

1.Online surveys





6.Affiliate marketing 

Different platforms with investment.

2.Stock market
3.Trading in stock market 

1.Online surveys

Best top apps for online surveys


2.Inbox Dollars



5.Free Cash etc..

There are so many apps and websites to do online surveys.

Paid surveys are safe?

Yes these paid surveys are safe and it is legal.Online surveys are legitimate way for brands to get customer feedback on their products and It helpful companies more.In simple words taking feedback from the customer In field of taking online surveys.
The average of paying in online surveys is 0.50dollars In India the average income of paid surveys is around 40rs per survey.Survey money provides the tools for creators to configure their surveys.The money of survey we get through Giftcards and PayPal accounts most of appa recommend GIFT CARDS only.


It is one of biggest platform to earn money.

This is large contributors network across the works.

In simple words It is test like app or website and give feedback as how it's works and how much time taking when it's loads and how the user interface.It will be working condition or not and any errors are there in that these conditions we should give feedback.This usertesting will pay average 10$ per test the most of the test based on websites only.

How do we apply these usertesting?

*Go to browser like google or Safari etc..
*Search the usertesting.
*Fill the further details like email,profile and etc..

There will be a qualifying test for entering into usertesting platform.

Must and should qualify the test before entering into this networks.

After qualifying the practice test.

There will be able to take tests after qualifying the practice test.
Now the test begins and start earning.


It is an content writing platform and create website handle with blogspot.com

Requirments to quality the blogger.

*Write the unique content.
*The content should be minimum 800words 
*Don't copy from other creators.
*Uses the best template to get perfect interface.

How the money will generate from blogger?

By the google adsense approval.
Tips to get adsense approval for blogger.
*Easy to navigate your website.
*Speed in open or load fast.
*Write high quality content.
*Website should be six months old.
Pages required for google adsense approval 
*About us page.
*Contact us page.
*Privacy policy page.
Disclaimer and DMCA and other pages are optional.


We generally know about YouTube it is a video based platform.In these the creators are earning money from YouTube.The video content like education, technology, vlogging and cooking etc..

Be patience on this platform.

Terms and conditions apply.

*Don't copy video's from other creators.


*1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours is must and should to monetize your channel.

Free Lancer.

In simple words this is an platform to sell your websites to customers or clients and get paid money through  customers.

Affiliate marketing.

It is used for most popular youtubers to earn more money and alternative income for creators by clicking the given links.It is a process where publishers earn a commision by promoting a product and advertising the product using their's an affiliate link.

With investment apps(or) websites.


Dropshipping is an e-commerce retail model that allows stores to sell products without keeping any physical inventory.The rest of the

physical fulfillment process is out of your hands. In some dropshipping agreements, you may also handle customer service, while the dropshipping service manages the physical goods and fulfillment.
*The investment will be based on your products.
Less control over supply chain. When dropshipping, the retailer relinquishes responsibility for the timely and correct shipment of the product but is still held accountable for any product quality issues or supplier errors.Easy to start Once a supplier is found and a website is created, dropshipping businesses can start selling.Flexible location Since you don’t need to store product inventory, you can run a drop shipping business from anywhere with an internet connection. 

Selling products at e-commerce website like amazon, flipkart, Myntra etc..

These is like dropshipping process the process is same.we need not to open stores in flexible location.There is products selling between customer and you. There is in between the platform like amazon, flipkart, Myntra and other online e-commerce websites.The products sales platform in between consumer and you some commission taking these websites in these websites like amazon fullfilled and flipkart assured these tag is very important to your products because the customer finding some products means in these your products will show top positions and sponsered products is payable.

Stock market.

It's an investment like short term and long term to invest in company shares.Example we had buy an share at price 100rs worth about 5 shares now we invested 500 on shares and after 2 months we get increased nor get decreased the share price. This is stock market in simple words.


buying and selling of stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, or other financial securities for a short period to earn profits. 

Types of trading.
4.long term trading
6. momentus 
It's can includes lot of profit and it's is lots of rish process.
*Don't invest without knowledge on trading.

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